Welcome to St. Martin's!

St. Martin’s joyfully affirms that every person is a child of God, made in God’s image. We recognize that we are called to be one body with many members; all are necessary for the health and well-being of the church body. We welcome you because you are you. We embrace your race, ethnicity, heritage, and are committed to the work of racial equity. We embrace your relationship status: married, divorced, widowed, or single; your gender identity and expression, sexual orientation; your socio-economic status; your age; your life circumstances. We welcome you to St. Martin's because you complete us. Through our liturgy and hymnody; through candles and bells; through voices raised and brass played; through Word and sacrament---through all that we do, may God be praised. And may each one of us be renewed in the "good tidings of great joy" which is for all people!

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Looking Forward

Lenoir-Rhyne Concert
A Cappella Choir & Brass Ensemble Concert Sunday, March 30, 2025 at 7pm
Pipes in the Present
Concert by Annapolis CHapter of the American Guild of Organists on March 23 at 4pm.
"...and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:8

Spirit of St. Martin's

God's Work Our Hands

For God's Work, Our Hands Sunday, St. Martin's Lutheran Church and School came together to pack over 15,000 meals for Rise Against Hunger.  The day started with worship where the teachers were blessed.  Following the meal packing event, we all joined together for a meal.  What a wonderful day!

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