Music is a vibrant part of worship and congregational life at St. Martin’s Lutheran Church. It takes the participation and enthusiasm of many to create the magic and beauty of music that warms and inspires our worship services.

Chancel Choir

St. Martin’s Chancel Choir explores a wide variety of musical styles. We are also a close-knit community of faith and joy. Rehearsals are currently on Thursdays from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm in Sanctuary.   The choir’s membership includes those who read music and those who do not. We love to sing, enjoy learning new pieces, and lead the musical portions of the liturgy during worship services. Come see-- and sing--- to God's glory!  

St. Martin's Pipe Organ

Take a two-minute tour inside Saint Martin’s pipe organ. The video was created for full screen viewing in high definition. Photographer Don Dement spent a day wedged behind pipes to bring you these extraordinary photos. The first two photographs were taken from behind the pipe organ screens, looking into the Sanctuary. If you look carefully, you will see the organ console in the second photo.

Music is Chaconne by Louis Couperin (c 1626-1661) played by Timothy Edward Smith. Click here to see OrganStoplists

Director of Music Ministry Job Posting

St. Martin’s is looking for an enthusiastic and congenial Director of Music Ministry who will continue to grow the music ministry of the church.  For more information and to see the full job posting, please click here.