Social Ministry covers a number of outreach programs sponsored by the church.
St. Martin's supports the Lighthouse Shelter of Annapolis by serving a meal on the second Monday of the month. We also collect food in the narthex to be delivered to the Lighthouse Shelter weekly.
The church holds 4 Blood Drives a year for Red Cross.
Once a quarter St. Martin's hosts a clothes sorting session for the Lutheran Mission Socitey (LMS). LMS collects, various churches sort, and then LMS redistributes these wearable clothes and household items through their Compassion Centers. The Annapolis LMS store is on West Street. Our volunteers enjoy the service and fellowship.
Meals on Wheels is in its third decade of service to the homebound in the Annapolis area. Meals on Wheels of Central Maryland is a non-profit organization that sponsors this program with administrative, financial and management assistance. Volunteers deliver the meals and work as often as they wish or fill in as substitutes on a day of choice. The tasks include driving or helping with delivery from 11:00 until 1:00. Meals are provided to those who are ill, incapacitated or otherwise unable to procure or prepare food for themselves. Volunteers are always needed, and all are welcome.
The Lutheran Women's Prayer Shawl Ministry is a group of active, vibrant women, representing several Lutheran Churches in the greater Annapolis, Bowie, and Crofton areas. Click here to learn more.
The St. Martin’s Garden Club enjoys working to beautify the property around the church where we have created many lovely garden areas. Click here to learn more.