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Vacancy Announcement

St. Martin’s Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELCA), 1120 Spa Road, Annapolis is looking for an enthusiastic and congenial Director of Music Ministry who will continue to grow the music ministry of the church.  St. Martin’s is a vibrant, progressive, medium-size congregation a short distance from downtown Annapolis and the United States Naval Academy. Average attendance at St. Martin’s is 35 at the 8:00 a.m. service, 125 at the 10:00 a.m. service; and 94 on YouTube (325 subscribers).

Description: St. Martin’s is looking for a Director of Music Ministry (Organist/Chancel Choir). Duties will include coordinating the music program, serving the congregation as organist and accompanist, selecting music for worship in cooperation with the pastor, and directing the chancel choir of the congregation. Worship services are planned jointly by the pastor and the Director of Music Ministry. The ideal candidate is a skilled organist, pianist, and choir director who is familiar with, or is willing to learn, Lutheran liturgy and hymnody. The Director of Music Ministry will become familiar with projecting sound in the church facility (sanctuary, narthex, lounge) and with broadcasting live video on YouTube.

St. Martin’s is blessed with personnel, equipment, and facility resources that support a dynamic, inspirational, and enriching music ministry. We are proud of our recently renovated 31 rank Möller organ. Information and a video of the organ are available here. In addition, we have a set of 4 octave Schulmerich handbells, and a set of 3 octave chimes. A diverse set of music ministry activities are available to congregation members and as outreach to a wider community through our YouTube services and concert series. While congregational music ministry at St. Martin’s is focused primarily on traditional worship as found in Evangelical Lutheran Worship materials, the ideal candidate will provide a variety of worship styles and musical expressions in their weekly preludes, anthems, and postludes. We currently have an adult Chancel Choir. St. Martin’s has a vibrant school with its own music program. As a member of the St. Martin’s church team, the Director of Music Ministry will assist the school’s music teacher at Wednesday morning chapel service if needed during the school year.

The candidate must be personable and outgoing as regular interaction with the staff and the congregation is an important part of the job. A college degree in a field directly related to executing the duties of the position and three to five years experience serving in the music ministry of a congregation are preferred. Alternatively, the candidate may possess a combination of formal education and directly-related music ministry experience.

The position is 20hours a week. The position has potential for growth for a candidate who could develop a children’s choir and bell choir.  Salary will be negotiated based on experience and hours worked. Candidates must be located in the Baltimore-Washington, DC metro area with proximity to Annapolis preferred. Please send resume and letter of interest by to Selection Committee Chair, Patti Bender, by October 7, 2024.