Led by the pastors, lay leaders and musicians, prayer, music, and the Gospel message of the Christian faith are interwoven to create a beautiful and inspiring experience of the congregation’s expression of faith.
Holy Communion is celebrated each week. The Lutheran faith acknowledges the real presence of Jesus crucified and risen in the Eucharist. All baptized Christians who affirm God’s presence and forgiveness in Holy Communion are invited to the Lord’s table.
We encourage parents to include kids of all ages in worship. In support of this, we offer worship bags at the rear of the sanctuary with quiet activities kids can enjoy during the service in the pew with their family as well as a PRAYGROUND in the sanctuary. We also offer a Children’s Message during the 10am service where kids are called to the front for a special message.
Special services are held to celebrate holy seasons throughout the year including Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Wednesday evening Lenten services, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday. We also conduct a pet blessing service in the Fall.